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September 23, 2011, Budapest, Hungary
LET Business Models

Final Program

Course Description and Application Form (to come later)

What is it about?
The Training School focuses on the techno-economic aspects of mobile networks, especially the topic of business models for LTE.

Is it for me?
Yes, if you are an early stage researcher (e.g. a M.Sc./MBA/Ph.D. Student in economics or communications/technology) with an interest in engineering, computer science, or business research. Researchers enrolled in a COST country are eligible to participate.

What will be the benefit from attending?
There are manifold benefits from attending this training school. An interactive learning approach will give you a diverse perspective on "LTE Business Models". By taking part in these activities, you will:
- Acquire diverse knowledge of LTE technology and wireless networks
- Understand the principles of business models for modern technology, especially LTE
- Participate in discussion groups focusing on your interests
- Gain tips and ideas for your ongoing research projects
- Deal with questions and elaborate on your research plans

What will I learn?
You will have the opportunity to receive training on a focused range of techno-economic topics, particularly addressing LTE technology, economic investigations, and business models. For more details on the lecture program and timetable, please visit the Course Description (to come).

Course Description
(to come)

How will the training be carried out?
The main part will involve lectures from university professors and researchers. All training will take place between 9:00-18:00 (cf. to the on-line program).

How much do I have to pay?
There is no registration fee, so you will only have to pay for your subsistence and travel expenses. Lunch and breaks are offered for a limited amount of students. You may also apply for a grant to further reduce your expenses.

Are there any grants for early stage researchers?
Yes, there is a limited number of grants for M.Sc., MBA, or Ph.D. students, who are not local to the host and which are allocated on a priority basis. Early application is advised, using the application form from COST Web site below. You are eligible for a grant if you are enrolled in an academic institution of a signatory COST IS0605 country. Grants will be paid directly to your bank account after the school.

Great! How do I sign up?
Simply download the Application Form, complete and return it by email to Dr. Zsuzsanna Kósa. Please note that if you wish to request a Grant, it is advised to apply as soon as possible, and no later than August 23, 2011. The last day for participation application is August 23, 2011. You only need to submit one application.

Who is organizing the Training School?
The Training School is organized by the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel: "A Telecommunications Economics COST Network".

For more information about the training school please contact:

School Program Chair:
Prof. Dr. Louis-Francois Pau
Copenhagen Business School
Copenhagen, Denmark
E-mail: lfp.inf@cbs.dk

Local Chair and Contact:
Dr. Zsuzsanna Kósa
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: kosa@tmit.bme.hu

Hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Budapest, Hungary: http://www.tmit.bme.hu/?bl=y.

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